01 February 2010

Tavi Front Row at Dior

I just brought up The Cut to see what I missed from the day and the headline that immediately popped up was "Disgruntled magazine editors are tired of bloggers getting the good seats at shows." Who else could they be referring to but Tavi, photographed wearing rabbit ears while interviewing a model that I'm not familiar with? I can tell what the folks at The Cut think about this, as well as the posters/readers of the blog, but what do you loyal, fashion-followers think about this occurrence?

In some respects I'm kind of torn now. On one hand, it's pretty exciting to see an outsider (i.e. fashion writer who is not in the industry because of money/prestige/family connections/rich husband, etc.) writing about major shows and, more important, getting mega publicity and attention because of it. So, props to Tavi for penetrating the fashion industry's secret society.

On the other hand, I'm still a little confused. She's only been following fashion for two years! Is that akin to asking a child to pick the Oscars or to choose our next president? Or is there something truly revolutionary and inspiring happening here? Maybe fashion has become democratized?

Please send your comments my way! I'd love to hear what other fashion devotees think about this phenomenon of young fashion bloggers (including Jane Aldridge, but she kind of already had an "in" as the daughter of a model...) making some major waves.

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