25 February 2011

Breaking News: Galliano Suspended from Dior

In case you've missed the breaking headlines in The New York Times and New York Magazine (and WWD, Vogue UK, etc.), news from France has just revealed that John Galliano has been suspended from his duties at Dior for allegedly making an anti-Semitic comment to a couple in Paris. The story is still unfolding but the details that I have read so far suggest that Mr. Galliano had been out at a café in the Marais district when the incident occurred. The exact details of the event are still not known, as sources from Vogue UK suggested another side to the story. Mr. Galliano had previously been drinking, however. According to The Cut, his blood alcohol level at the time of the incident was 1.0, with the legal limit for driving in Paris being 0.5.

Christian Dior released the following statement, as reported by Reuters: "Dior affirms with the utmost conviction its policy of zero tolerance toward any anti-Semitic racist words or behavior," Sidney Toledano.

Should Mr. Galliano be suspended from the company for the incident, though? I can see where Christian Dior is coming from. Dior is one of the biggest, most influential companies in the fashion industry and they can't have the face of the company be someone who makes racist remarks. On the other hand, in defense of Galliano, the incident was non-violent (i.e. he didn't attack anyone, no one was injured) and information is still inconclusive. Should his responsibilities be stripped because of hearsay? What do you think?

I really hope they can sort this out. We need the creative genius of John Galliano!

(** image from style.com**)

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