10 March 2011


Today is Brian's and my six-year anniversary. (Hurray!) It's hard to believe that we met and started dating six years ago today. We've been through a lot together, like most couples who have been together for five years or longer. There have been some terrible haircuts, horrible outfits, loud shoes, but a lot of happiness, too. I think that is because we really balance each other out. That cliché about opposites attracting might actually be true.

I think this was taken in 2007 at my friend Sarah's annual Christmas Party. This is one of those rare photos in which both people are looking at the camera, there is no glare from my glasses, and everyone is smiling.

Here we are having dinner with my dad. I think this was taken in 2005. The quality isn't as good because it was taken with a disposable camera and scanned. I didn't join the digital age until late in 2007, so most early photos of me and Brian are actually in photo albums and not on a desktop.

We're out celebrating one of my best friend's birthdays (Leah!) here. I'm drawing a complete blank on where this was taken, too. Maybe I do need Facebook, after all. I love the red lights in the background, though!

This was taken at Brian's younger sister's wedding in October 2009.

...and maybe the seventh year will finally be the charm for us!


  1. Hey, I'm thinking that the red lights one is the Zoo. Did you go to Wildlights? :)
    Happy 6th!!! :)

  2. It wasn't the zoo. I think it has "mills" in the title. Leah will know. My facebook photo album would also reveal the answer...
    Thank you! :)

  3. Richelle, I think it's Clifton Mill!
